Xero Set Up.

Start your file off right, with the correct set up and settings.

Get set up right, straight off the bat.

Setting up your file with incorrect data or settings can cause big issues down the track. Don’t pay through the nose to fix those problems later. Get your file set up correctly, straight away.

If you don’t know what a well-set-up file looks like, how will you know if it’s wrong?

At Best Practice Bookkeeping we’re Xero experts and use it exclusively in our practice. We’ll ensure your file is set up perfectly to get your business off to the right start.

Who is this option best for?

New businesses

We -

  • compile your business information

  • ensure accuracy of business details

  • start Xero file

  • bring in any opening balances

  • add bank accounts

  • link bank to account through activating bank feeds

  • import any missing transactions, pre-bank feed

  • customise your invoice, quote and remittance details

  • add necessary users to account

  • provide and complete basic Xero introduction to help you navigate the software

  • advise on Best Practices that can apply to your business to streamline processes

  • liaise with your Accountant

You -

  • fill out our business discovery questionnaire

  • provide your logo

  • assist in bank integration

  • answer all questions asked by Best Practice Bookkeeping, in a timely manner


from $650 + GST